Monday, September 14, 2009



Well my boy, you just don't sleep enough these days for me to write to you as often as I would like. However, you are mildly snoozing right now, so I will try. I was thinking today about how fast you are growing already. You will be 8 weeks old tomorrow and already are so alert and clearly eager to learn. We play little games together that help you learn and grow (you love to try to put your hand in my mouth - sorry but it's true. Just a week ago you couldn't get it in there without help, but now you are spot on every time!). Last night we all went to Jim and Terry Fredley's baby shower and I watched all the little boys running around completely ignoring their parents and having a wonderful time and I thought, "Wow - one day very soon, Mason will be this age and care nothing about hanging out with me." Right now I am your world. You know my voice now, you smile when you hear me talk coming into your room, I am your favorite person.
Even with that, I want you to know that I will do my very best to let you find your independence. It is so important, son. My hope is that you won't even notice it. You'll just move from one stage of independence to the next with no thought as to how it happened and God forbid, how I feel about it. That's my hope for you.
I will love you always and am so anxious to know the boy and man you will become. But know that really, truly, to me, you will always be 8 weeks old, asleep on my chest, with your little arms wrapped around me. Not because I don't love who you are at the moment or who you have become and what you have achieved, but because there, in that place, you need me...and I will always be there. I love you so much.