Thursday, December 9, 2010


I often think back to being a kid and everything seemed to go so slow...the month of Christmas (which we are in) was an eternity, counted down on the Advent calendar daily, the big day feeling eons away. I just couldn't WAIT for Santa to get here! It took FOREVER! But now, as an adult and a mom (and also a student and employed), I am often amazed (shocked, horrified, whatever) at how very fast everything moves. I heard that happens as you get older, and I hate to tell you, it's true. HOWEVER, much of my personal "busy-ness" comes from trying to get through school before you start kindergarten and keep up with that financially by working. Every day it's study time, work time, grocery shopping time, mommy-daddy time (although that often gets put on the back-burner unfortunately, but we are working on it!). And it's very often that when I'm doing one thing, I'm thinking of another, never fully committed to the task at hand. But I realized the other day as you and I were doing something...driving, at the park, playing in the living room, I can't remember exactly...but I realized that when I'm with you, when it's mom and Mason time, it's just that. All my other distractions fall away. My mind is not on work, school, friends, anything else. All I care about is being with you. In those moments there is nothing else. Because YOU are my highest priority. Plus, it's a pretty big bonus that I really like you a lot, so it's kind of like hanging out with my best friend. That will gross you out some day when you read this I'm sure, but for now, that's really how it is. And I thank you SO much for being the type of kid that makes it easy for me to be a good mom. I just can't tell you what a blessing you are. Not just "you" in the "having kids is a blessing" sense, but YOU...Mason Trusler...YOU are a blessing, a joy, and the biggest, brightest, most calming element in my otherwise very crazy life. Don't get me wrong, you wear me have more energy than I could have ever imagined...but at the end of the day, it's the very best tired of all my tireds. Thanks son. I love you so much.