Wednesday, October 7, 2009


A few things about you:

You are amazing. Every day I watch you. I watch you see things, I watch you touch things, I watch you try to learn everything you can about this big world you have found yourself in. I hope you always keep the same sense of wonder you have today.

You are beautiful. Every time I look at you I am overwhelmed. I know that your dad and I "made" you, but truly, it feels like you were created by God, perfectly precious, and given to us as a gift to remind us that life is so so good. I hope every time you look in the mirror, you know you are a genuine work of art.

You are brave. Each day I watch you try something new that you haven't tried before and even if it doesn't work out at first, you keep trying. Something as we get older makes us think that giving up is an option. I don't know where that starts but if there is anything I can do to help you avoid that mental pitfall, I will do it. You can do ANYTHING.

You are perfect. I mean, to me you are. You always will be. But the truth is, we all fail sometimes and we all fall short. AND THAT'S OKAY. Too many of us are told that we have to strive for perfection. And even if it isn't spoken aloud, it's implied in our schools, our jobs, and even in our homes. There is no perfection. Never hold yourself to someone else's standard of you. You know who you are.

And if you forget, just start reading from the top again.

I love you.

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