Thursday, March 17, 2011


As a parent, you wonder every single day if you are doing everything you can do (and not do) to help your child grow into a strong, kind, loving, independent, social, happy individual. And up until now, I haven't been given a lot of feedback from you on that topic because basically, you can't talk in sentences. But every once in a while, I'm realizing, something happens that reveals just who your child is..or is becoming. It was a beautiful day today and I decided to take you to the park across the street. You pretty much know your way now so I let you lead until we have to cross the street and then we hold hands and then you lead again. You are usually one of the youngest at the park, but you are so tall, you can get to a lot of the stuff the older kids can get to. Today you were climbing on the jungle gym and there was a little boy just standing holding onto a steering wheel on one part of the gym. You wanted to play with it too so you walked up to him and touched the wheel. Well, this little crap-head FREAKED OUT. He was about your age, maybe 2 already, but he threw an all out get-the-hell-away-from-me fit right then and there. Totally unacceptable behavior, but his mother wasn't there and I honestly was more interested in how you were going to react than trying to discipline this child that wasn't mine. I was prepared to have to split you two up for no other reason than it seemed like a normal reaction for you, at your age, to throw a fit back (not that you do that very much...really, at all). Anyway, it didn't come to that because you just backed up about five paces, but by the look on your face, it obviously upset you. But I just watched and after a second or two, the boy had calmed down and you started to walk back up to him. I thought, "oh Lord, this kid is going to lose it again when Mason touches that wheel" and almost stopped you, but you walked so softly and slowly up to him and...this is the best didn't touch the wheel. You touched his arm. So very softly and so if to say, "It's probably get things taken away from you a lot. But I'm not going to do that. I just want to play with you and be your friend." I swear, it was that clear in your touch what your intent was. Of course, the little ass-hat totally freaked out again which ruined the entire moment for you, but Mason...I got to see who you are becoming. And today, I am so very proud. Not just proud of you, but proud to know you. My word son, what a wonder you are.

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