Thursday, August 20, 2009

For only reason

This blog is for my son. It is simply a collection of thoughts that one day he may (or may not) want to look back on, knowing not that they were wise or that the words were perfect, but that when they were written, he was the only person in mind. That his sweet face, his beautiful eyes, the hope I see when I look at him, is all I can think of as I type. I also think of my mother today and the hopes she must have had for me when I was a child. It wasn't until my own beautiful son was born that I gave the notion the slightest thought, but as we age, these things become important I suppose. So, it is with that thought that I begin. I love you Mason. So very, very much.


  1. Being from the old school I have never seen or participated in this for the most glorious of reasons! Mason! What a thrill you have been for me! You look just like your dad did when he was about 3 months old! He was a little bitty thing compared to you! You filled my arms and reminded me how much I loved being a mommy (and I know I am gonna LOVE being a Gramma)! I will remember and write you some of the things your daddy did when he was a kid! I love
    you so much!

  2. Yo, Mason... what up? Ah, this is Janice - your mom's BFF - that was the first old school text talk long before there were even any cell phones or blogs & what not (best friends forever) hehe. Well, boy, I want you to know something, and it's kind of personal and it really is just to you - I hope someday you'll understand a whole lot more than I know you will for even maybe a few decades. I just want to thank you for reminding me of a few things about what life is all about. I got to come down and visit your family for a few glorious days when you were only a couple weeks old... you taught me that pure & simple needs never change - knowing someone will answer your cry, your call - being the one to answer it, is a beautiful duet where without both pieces, well, this is where the world becomes lost. You brought great joy to my heart - I've never seen your mom the way I did, nor your dad, I think I truly fell in love with both of them for being new, shaky, loving, wholehearted, hoping to do the right thing from a much needed diaper changing down to the right nipple on a bottle. Love is in the details, Mason. You are God's greatest miracle and all of the details, so amazing. And a selfish thanks for reminding me of being a mother to my son, too... you brought back some memories... good ones, healing ones... I needed that. See how much you've done already! I love you little man!

  3. Mason! You *do* look so much like your Daddy! And that's a compliment, since he's the *second* best-looking man I know!! ;o)

    Grandpa is sitting here, too. He says, "Mason, I'll never call you 'shithead,' because that's your Dad's name." <--Yep. That's what he *really* just said?!

    I think your Mom nailed it when she talked about the hope that surrounded your birth. You bring us all so much optimism! We all already love you unconditionally!

    Looking forward to seeing you again soon! :o)
    xo ~Grandma Trusler (lisa)
